Top of the line strain profiles and natural flavors for concentrates
True Blue (adjective): unwaveringly loyal or steadfast to an ideal or person.
As our company name suggests, we work tirelessly to provide our customers with the finest strain-specific cannabis terpenes and natural flavoringsmoney can buy.
Our pure terpenes and marijuana flavorings are the result of countless hours and iterations of formulations, testing and ingredient sourcing. We will never put a product on the market that we think is inconsistent with our high brand standards. To that end, our cannabis terpenes and flavorings are completely free of all toxins and carrier agents including propylene glycol, and contain no THC or CBD.
Until recently, our cannabis terpenes and flavoring products were only available to large wholesale clients and manufacturers but we are now making our lines available to the public- whether you are a recreational weekend user or a vertically-integrated nationwide producer, we have you covered!
Please contact us with any questions you may have.