Stephen A. Zderic, MD
Stephen A. Zderic, MD, is an Attending Urologist in the Division of Urology at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
Stephen A. Zderic, MD, is an Attending Urologist in the Division of Urology at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
Of 29 ratings/reviews posted on 4 verified review sites, this business has an average rating of 4.71 stars. This earns them a Rating Score™ of 95.10 which ranks them #1 in the Philadelphia area.
Of 23 ratings/reviews posted on 4 verified review sites, this business has an average rating of 4.64 stars. This earns them a Rating Score™ of 94.43 which ranks them #2 in the Philadelphia area.
Of 37 ratings/reviews posted on 3 verified review sites, this business has an average rating of 4.84 stars. This earns them a Rating Score™ of 94.38 which ranks them #3 in the Philadelphia area.
Of 23 ratings/reviews posted on 1 verified review site, this business has an average rating of 4.90 stars. This earns them a Rating Score™ of 91.00 which ranks them #4 in the Philadelphia area.
Of 34 ratings/reviews posted on 4 verified review sites, this business has an average rating of 4.49 stars. This earns them a Rating Score™ of 86.88 which ranks them #5 in the Philadelphia area.
Of 199 ratings/reviews posted on 4 verified review sites, this business has an average rating of 4.32 stars. This earns them a Rating Score™ of 86.24 which ranks them #6 in the Philadelphia area.
Of 33 ratings/reviews posted on 4 verified review sites, this business has an average rating of 4.41 stars. This earns them a Rating Score™ of 85.09 which ranks them #7 in the Philadelphia area.
Of 43 ratings/reviews posted on 3 verified review sites, this business has an average rating of 4.39 stars. This earns them a Rating Score™ of 84.91 which ranks them #8 in the Philadelphia area.
Of 39 ratings/reviews posted on 2 verified review sites, this business has an average rating of 4.53 stars. This earns them a Rating Score™ of 84.26 which ranks them #9 in the Philadelphia area.
Of 41 ratings/reviews posted on 4 verified review sites, this business has an average rating of 4.11 stars. This earns them a Rating Score™ of 84.15 which ranks them #10 in the Philadelphia area.