iWired is the worst smart home company ever and here’s why:
They are wildly anti-right to repair, which means that when our garage door and video doorbell systems went offline due to a wifi disruption, we couldn’t even reconnect our devices ourselves! There’s no publicly accessible repair documentation on their website or app and their customer service department will only recommend a $180 service call to reconnect your devices for you!
*to break down what on earth you’re forking over $180 for, it’s a $75 TRIP FEE (that’s more money than it costs to put gas in their dinky little service cars) and a $105 labor fee (TO WHAT?!? PUNCH IN A WIFI PASSWORD ON YOUR DEVICES ESSENTIALLY?!? REALLY?!?!?)
There is NO free way to fix your systems unless you somehow manage to find your home builder and, I guess, hope that the builder has the mystical super secret special proprietary company method to reconnecting the home systems to get back online. Their customer support won’t even help you. They’ll just recommend a $180 house call and call you “not very nice” when you call them out on how outrageously unfair and unreasonable this company’s practices are.
I hate this company with every little bit of me and more. I had no choice in the matter when my significant other and I bought this home and THESE PEOPLE were the home system providers. If your new build community is contracting with iWired, opt out. You’ll have more control over your smart home and far less regret than I currently have.
I hope that one day, someone sues iWired for right to repair issues and wins, because they need to be taken down a peg.