Fetch Home Management

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86.97  Rating Score

Of 101 ratings posted on 4 verified review sites, Fetch Home Management has an average rating of 4.66 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 86.97.

Make your home rental experience enjoyable and easy by working with our team. From our dedication to open and honest communication to our high placement standards, we are certain you’ll be happy with each and every step of the process. Partner with a team who has your best interests in mind, regardless of whether you are looking for your next rental property or your newest tenants. Get in touch with us now to learn more.

Top Rated Local® Business in Pennsylvania (#66 in 2019)

6 Total Reviews

6 ratings & reviews posted directly on Top Rated Local®

Showing 1-6 of 6 items.

1 review

Renting from Fetch was a horrible experience that caused my family a great deal of stress. There were numerous red flags from the first day - heating system had been changed over to electric after we signed the lease and we were not informed and only discovered it at move-in; at which time we noticed multiple broken/missing things, apartment was dirty, neighbors were outside cussing at maintenance staff. We proceeded to move in as the old lease had ended and all of our belongings were already packed in the uhaul. Things only got worse from there. Work orders were closed on several occasions without the issue being fixed. We had to pay out of pocket to have internet installed after the wire had been cut prior to move-in. The tenants below were routinely using drugs and causing scary disturbances (Fetch knew about these problem tenants and moved us, including my 5 year old child, in anyway). We were later horrified to discover the same tenants gave us bedbugs (which we ended up paying to treat). We began asking for help with a heating issue in November (work order closed without fix, subsequent texts, calls emails ignored), we were unable to get the heat in our apartment over 60 degrees for a month until finally the pipes froze. Had to spend Christmas eve at a friend's house because it was so cold in our apartment, and ended up having to call the city to get help. Days later our pipes burst and we called the emergency line, opened a work order, and texted our PM, Zane and the maintenance scheduler - all of which were ignored. Water continued to spray on our belongings from the burst pipe for 2 hours until another call the city had to be made to get help. We went roughly 6 days without hot water after that. After months of issues, mounting stress and out-of-pocket expenses we finally made the decision to break our lease early as things showed no sign of improvement, they kept our security deposit and charged us for rent beyond our move-out date as a consequence. They never acknowledged their faults and it left us feeling completely used, stressed, ignored, frustrated and sad. I know they will get on here and dispute/offer excuses for what we went through but the fact is that it is inexcusable. I write this review in hopes of helping others avoid what we experienced.

1 review

Appears as though the rating rests highly on the google reviews. Let's take a deeper look into the google reviews. 91 total. 56 of those didn't actually submit a review, just a star rating with no information to support the reason for the rating. 85 of the 91 were a year ago or longer. If the rating is based upon the most recent (less than a year ago) the rating is actually 2.5. This data offers a more realistic review of the company instead of how it is currently being promoted

1 review

I have rented with this business for two years now. The lack of professionalism is RADIANT via this company. Two years I have rented from them. I have never had a landlord disrespect me as much as this location. If you are looking to rent, please find a private landlord. Fetch home management does not care about individuals, simply money. Please please PLEASE head my warning. Do not rent from this company. I was looking to sign my THIRD lease. And this is the text I get. PLEASE have enough respect and dignity to find ANYONE else.

1 review

I had been working with Fetch Home Management by a year, as owner, I am very satisfied with the services, and professionalism they do they work. I recommend them because as Properties Management.

1 review

Fetch has been a great partner in my real estate investing endeavors!

1 review

They're great!

*2 additional reviews is factored into the overall rating, but is not public at this time. You can be confident that with Top Rated Local® all verified reviews and ratings are accounted for in the overall ratings and Rating Score™ whether they are displayed publicly or privately. This ensures the overall rating is as accurate as possible.