Meet mortgage banker/lenders David & Karen Voytek of Crosscountry Mortgage Inc. Married in 1994, David and Karen have 2 children, Ashley & Mitchell, and live in Abrams Farm of Twinsburg. Karen is a native, graduating from Twinsburg High School in 1987. David grew up in Bedford, Ohio and graduated from Chanel High School and then from Kent State University. A mortgage loan officer since 1992, David joined forces with Karen in 1998 to work together to offer superior mortgage and customer service to loan seekers. With a wealth of knowledge in the mortgage industry and a commitment to their customers, this duo has received many awards for outstanding customer service as well as yearly Top Originator awards. And they must be doing something right - as the majority of their business comes from Realtor and previous client referrals and repeat business. With over 3,700 satisfied customers, the couple is grateful for the many life-long customer and friendships they have developed over the years.NMLS: 263709, Branch NMLS: 3029 Equal Housing Opportunity.