Community Mortgage

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92.00  Rating Score

Of 39 ratings posted on 1 verified review site, Community Mortgage has an average rating of 5.00 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 92.00.

In contrast to a faceless bank, we want you to get to know the people who help you identify the right mortgage and ensure that it gets funded. Meet the Community Mortgage team. Community Mortgage is a San Diego-based company with a team of loan specialists who truly care about the experience that clients have. That is why we focus on three things when working with clients: Provide Open and Honest Communication – There should be no surprises during the loan process. We provide transparency in the lending process and ensure that borrowers (and their real estate agents) know what is going on at every stage. Educate Borrowers – If borrowers understand their options, they can make better decisions. We take the time to educate borrowers about the loan process generally and their specific situation. Focus on Solutions – There can be hurdles in the loan process, but if we don’t succeed, our clients do not get the home they want. That is why we get to know our client’s full financial situation. We use that information to understand their full range of options and provide them with the best solution for them.

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