Located in the heart of DFW Metroplex, you will find our Grapevine location in between Dallas and Ft. Worth. This is the original home of Boi Na Braza, and has a truly unique Brazilian feel. Innovating the Brazilian steakhouse experience by combining the best of both worlds: The traditional Brazilian steakhouse way of serving table-side “all you care to eat” (a.k.a. “rodízio”) and made-to-order menu items brought to you fresh from the kitchen.
As part of this new dining experience, the salad bar has been replaced with a fine menu of salads & sides brought to you fresh from the kitchen. As for the meats, we have honored our Brazilian steakhouse tradition of having Gaucho chefs carve the meats for you table-side. There are 10 different cuts of meats as part of the menu which includes beef, chicken, lamb, and pork. Majority of the meats are still cooked over an open flame rotating horizontally on the rotisserie. All salads, sides, and meats are still served unlimited (“all you care to eat”) as part of the new Braza Dining Experience, for just one set price.