What sets this clinic apart from others is the team service atmosphere offering a psychological boost in additional to physical help that truly encourages healing. Unable to walk, I was desperate for a diagnosis and treatment (other than pain medication) I was given by numerous medical physicians. Surfing about a cause for my symptoms on the internet, I found Dr. Kevin Polzin. Upon exam, he readily identified my numbness, pain and inability to walk as small nerve neuropathy. After following his course of treatment, in less than 2 months, I successfully regained use of my foot which had become reddish purple, cold, excruciatingly painful and useless. Later, following a head-on collision, I also received care utilizing the clinic?s holistic approach. This included vitamins, home exercise, info handouts, chiropractic manipulation with the latest technologies, i.e., cold lasers and decompression thus allowing myself and his patients to heal and manage any chronic pain.