Acroname provides expertise and products for applications in embedded robotic, automation and control systems.
Acroname® was founded in 1994 by Steve Richards in Rollinsville, Colorado. Now, 20+ years later, our BrainStem technology encompasses a full suite of highly expandable hardware and software tools. BrainStem is used in OEM applications around the globe and current iterations of this technology can be found in our MTM, 40-pin and Programmable USB Hub offered today in our online store.
We come from very varied backgrounds, which keeps day to day business interesting to say the least! Our team have degrees in fine arts, computer science, business, mathematics, mechanical engineering, systems engineering, engineering physics and electrical engineering. Our team speaks three languages, has climbed 12a, studied yoga in India, traveled the country by bicycle, toured nationally in bands, built and rebuilt homes, and most importantly, established a world-reaching technology company during the technology crash of the late 1990's. We do not give up easliy!
We work in an egalitarian workplace. Our flat organizational structure allows for agile development and efficient cross-collaboration. Acroname thrives as a directed group of individual performers who communicate well to achieve any goal. We strongly believe that the moral and ethical choice is always the right choice, even if it is counter to the best business decision.