Corey d.

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Off the Hook Fly Fishing

83.82  Rating Score
1:59AM - 1:59AM ▾

Of 178 ratings posted on 2 verified review sites, Off the Hook Fly Fishing has an average rating of 4.71 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 83.82.

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These guys are literally the "one stop shop" for everything you need to fish in the Northern California/Sacramento River area. They hooked me with up license, steelhead card, equipment, and -- best of all -- a local guide, Steve, who literally made my day out on the river the best possible scenario (I had never fished the Sacramento previously). Born and raised in the area, Steve has more than 3000 hours on the River and knew every riffle, every buried stump, every fishable pocket of the Sacramento. We caught different species of trout, a few suckerfish, and (best of all) some winter-run steelhead under his guidance (his fellow guide/friend even brought in a salmon). I would heartily endorse Off the Hook and the Fly Shop -- I will be returning for another visit and think that every kind of sport fisher (experienced or novice) would benefit from their assistance. A+.