This office attracts people from all walks of life and from all over the United States. Folks bring their kids in from infant to college age and we see doctors lawyers, engineers, nurses, CEOs, bus drivers, professional photographers, and both professional and amateur level athletes just to name a few.
The conditions that these individuals have are as follows; severe scoliosis, post-surgical fusion cases in the low back [rods and screws] and neck [plates and screws], shoulder, elbow and wrist problems, disc bulges, sciatica symptoms, ankle, knee, and hip dysfunctions, artificial hips and artificial knees, just to name a few. These areas are complex and what separates this office from the rest of the pack!
Often people have spent literally more than $100,000 on failed attempts at correcting their issues via medical approaches and even other Chiropractors only to meet with disappointment. Dr. McDougle and his methods have been able to turn those conditions around in as little as one visit using his specialized methods that he now teaches to other Chiropractors. People have actually walked out of the office after one visit without the cane or walker that they entered with after enduring months of pain previously!